Sunday, February 5, 2012

Hello World

First post. Here it is! To anyone who happened across (or Stumbled on) my blog by chance, welcome. In this blog, my goal is to talk about my main passions, including but not limited to photography, music, technology, and more. First I'll let you know a little bit about myself.

I am a freelance photographer, and if all goes well I will soon be able to say I am a freelance photographer by trade. When I am not shooting, I can currently be found occasionally making a delicious burger at Five Guys Burgers and Fries in Marlborough, MA. If you haven't been yet, I highly recommend it. Other time is spent on music and art, working with the local theater company (River's Edge Players, which I have also heard referred to as something like "the Worrest theater company") and one of these days I'm going to finish my senior project and pick up my bachelor's degree.

I have about 6 years of seriously approaching digital photography under my belt, and I feel I've learned a few things, feel I can share some advice, and know I can learn more from the passionate people in the photo blog world. The artistic expression achievable in raw digital photography gets me really excited, and I like to think that I've developed a knack for pulling more out of my pictures with raw edits. I shoot my HDR with a Canon Rebel XSi, but I'll get more into that next week.

what can you expect from this blog? I plan to post a picture, or picture set every week. I have a few weeks of topics selected, but please leave a comment with any ideas for what you might like to see. In addition, I will feature one of my other hobbies every week, until I run out. (hah!) Expect hobby related photography and something on how I go about shooting for my hobby whenever practical. ( I won't be taking pictures of sketches, I'm more likely to just sketch directly onto the computer.) Don't think I won't take advantage of this soapbox to talk about the goings on in my life, either. And do expect to hear about the week in the life of my character in World of Warcraft (Karnium of Rebelution on Scarlet Crusade), but just in the one post a week.

I don't expect to be doing lots of product comparisons and side by side reviews. Rating things on arbitrary scales is far to abstract for me to stand it, and I'm far to poor to be able to afford one of every thing to try em. I will talk about the gear I have, and make recommendations on where I have found they perform best, and I will definitely be putting together DIY style posts, and linking to ones I have found to work well, because who doesn't want to be able to work beyond their means. I'm currently writing about lighting for portraiture and still life on the cheap, but I can't finish that one up until my next paycheck, when I can practice what I preach to give some sample shots. Lighting on the cheap is not lighting on the free, and I'm still short. I'm excited for the next few weeks to happen, and for all of you reading this now (in the future!) to come back again and again.


Peter Worrest is an award-winning freelance photographer, designer, artist, musician, actor, lighting designer, and technical consultant from Hudson, MA. Consider him for your next event!

1 comment:

  1. I often create quality HDR images using MAC photo editing app it's very simple to use and has all the necessary functions to increase photo quality.
