Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Karnium of Rebelution

Okay, so it's not been very long since I started this blog, and it may seem a bit early for an off-topic post, but I have a schedule I'm trying to stick to, and it includes a weekly WOW update.

Disclaimer: If you see something that looks like it must be Welsh (sorry Welsh People, but your language is hard to read) then please ask me, as I spend most of my time talking about wow while playing, where everybody already knows the jargon.

Check out the armory profile of my character here if you want to check out what stuff I have.

An introduction-
If you clicked above, then you saw my character standing there, looking awesome. But usually when I'm playing I am staring at a polar bear. Karnium is a Tauren druid, so though the natural form is a cow-man thing, my best work tends to be done pretending to be some other woodland creature (or the woodlands themselves).

A Tangent-
For those not familiar with WOW, here's a little crash course in end-game content for PvE (Player vs. Environment). Players run around doing one of 3 main jobs, each with two classifications:
They can tank (shout insults at enemy computer-controlled units and get hit alot) and can be either the Main tank or the Off-tank (for the extra baddies running around).
If you don't like taking damage you can deal it instead in a role referred to as DPS, either up close (melee range) or from afar (spells, arrows and the like). DPS stands for Damage per Second, a metric used in combat that many try to live and die by, even though it is less important than the less-easy-to-interpret total damage done, since your DPS relies on how long you were in combat and not how long total combat lasted.
Lastly, if hurting things is not up your alley you can heal, either focusing on lots of healing on one target (tank healing) or bits of healing on everyone, from everything being on fire, as it so often is in World of Warcraft ("raid" healing).

aaaaaaaaaaaand we're back!
Karnium is a Tank (my friend likes to think of it as me driving my Bear into battle a-la artillery warfare) and secondarily he is a Ranged damage dealer (rDPS), for which he turns into an owl-bear type creature called a moonkin. I prefer tanking, though it's nice to take a break from almost dying all the time.

If you have any specific questions about my guild or character, or if you take issue with my abridged introduction to wow, post in the comments below. Now on to the actual weekly report part!

This week in Azeroth-
Valentines day is here! ... for 15 days... and holidays in wow mean two things to me right now, daily quests that need doing, and titles to earn. This particular holiday allows you to walk around in game as "So-and-so the Love Fool" if you complete all of the listed achievements. This week I finished up a few of the achievements for the title, and have just a few left. I am pursuing these holiday achievements for the meta-achievement "What a long, strange trip it's been" which is an example of the classic nothing-points being worth something, since this achievement comes with a dragon-thing to ride (and also with the fastest flying if you're missing it: a 5000 gold bonus!)

It's also still the lunar festival (Chinese new year) in game until 2/12, but I am done with the Elder title... so I don't care anymore! isn't that bad of me. anyways, happy new year.

Darkmoon Faire is active, which means more side quest distractions for me, and much more to other people. I haven't really gotten too into the Darkmoon Faire, but people spend a lot of gold on quest items for them, and I'd rather not.

Raiding! Rebelution has hung up the towel (at least temporarily) on finishing the firelands. Ragnaros the firelord remains an unattainable goal for the moment, and we are left without heroic modes and worthwhile things until we can beat my old nemesis from the days of yore ("vanilla" raiding was where I learned to play wow.) And me with less than a thousand reputation points to go until I can buy what mr. robot tells me is a Best in Slot trinket.

But with the closing of one door, we open another as we progress along in Dragon Soul, making it to 3/8 boss kills this week after bashing our heads against the Pong boss for hours on Monday, and trying a few different group configurations. Usually group configuration changes can be read as "Peter, switch Karni over to moonkin." coming up this week: Hopefully we will down those thre again, only faster, and move on to more bosses.

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